Do you love Disney as I do? This article is not about the television show House of Mouse, which I love, but instead about my Disney House.
When talking to a friend today who knows a Disney Freak, I mentioned to her that she needs to introduce me to her friend. This woman was telling me her friend has all of the Disney videos and they were in a storage locker. Over the weekend the locker was broken into, and every single one of the videos was taken. I was heartbroken for this fellow Disney Freak. Lisa, my friend told me this woman has Disney all over her house and I just know we would be immediate friends, because her house sounds like mine!
It wasn't really until today that I realized we only have one room in this house that doesn't have the Disney influence. It is the laundry room. The only Disney items in there are the ones that need washing after we wear the clothing!

The office has the hidden closet (hidden from my almost 4 year old son and the animals) also known as the Disney Closet. It is there that I have many Disney items. Of course, the walls in the office are covered with Disney prints, Seri cells and more.
Our bedroom is basically all Disney. Disney on the walls, in the closet, on shelves and yes, even in the bathroom where I can't live without a Mickey Mouse shower curtain for the bathtub. My sister in law, a non Disney fan even got me a huge Mickey Mouse wall hanging/rug for Christmas last year to help me with my addiction.
The upstairs hallway is another favorite place for Disneyana. With pictures lining the walls, and my corner stand overflowing with the items I dare to display (Alex quickly learned not to touch Mommy's stuff).

The hallway leads to our loft, which is used to store Disney items we sell, and my Disney scrapbook set. Not much here to look at, but also not much time spent in here.
Alex was not kept from the Disney influence even before his birth. When painting his room, the blue was darker than we expected, so I decided to add white clouds. Of course, Mickey's face appears in many of the clouds! Now that Alex is old enough to choose some of his own d?cor, he has followed in my path, and now he has Mickey on the walls in prints, as well as Cars stickers, Cars bedding, Mickey bedding and more. Yes, this child will grow up to either love Disney or hate it. Right now he has nothing but love for all things Disney.
Downstairs, where we spend most of our time is also overflowing with Disney. The front room has my cherished Seri cell of Walt Disney and friends. It also currently has trash from AAA. A large Disneyland/Walt Disney World Display that was in their shop for a time. That is currently in our front room because it is about 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide, and frankly we don't have anywhere else to put it right now.
The kitchen, visible from anywhere downstairs has Tinker Bell, a Mickey cookie jar, and two Disney photos in (what else?) Disney frames. Disney magnets cover the fridge to hold up important papers.
Finally, the family room, which doesn't have a wall or surface that is Disney free. The fireplace mantel holds a collection of my Disney clocks. The walls have pictures and displays of some of my most treasured items. The couch that is so comfortable to cuddle up and enjoy a Disney movie has two wonderful Mickey Mouse pillows.

So as you can see I definitely have a House of Mouse. Now I need a bigger house. The basement holds box upon box of items I don't have room to display. Is my house overkill? Maybe, but I don't think so, and my husband seems to also enjoy the items I have chosen to display.
Do you also have a House of Mouse, or a room of Mouse? I call it the House of Mouse because my original collection was all about Mickey. While I have branched out slightly, Mickey is still my overwhelming favorite. And to be honest, it would not be home without this incredible Disney influence.
Hopefully I will be introduced to this other lady. I would like to see her items that make Lisa call her a Disney Freak. I guess my watch, clothing, and purse didn't clue Lisa into the fact that I too am a Disney Freak.
If you have a house that sounds a lot like mine, I would love to hear about it, so please share! You can do it here in a comment, or join the message boards to discuss this special topic.
You can chat with Leanne at our
disney forums where she is known as Tink.