Club Cool is a store sponsored by Coca-Cola and is much more than just a taste station or a store.


You will find Club Cool in the Innoventions Plaza headed toward World Showcase in Epcot.


When you enter the 'store' you will immediately see two things:  free fountain drinks, and lots of souvenirs.


The free fountain drinks are just tastes of different flavors of drinks from the Coca-Cola Bottling Company.  There are vegetable based drinks, fruit based drinks, drinks very similar to the regular Coke found in North America.  Each of the fountain sections has the same tastes so you can spend all of your tasting time at one station instead of going to all of them.  If a drink at your station is not available though, don't hesitate to get it from another station.


Behind the tasting area you will see an order counter.  Here you can order Coca-Cola frozen drinks in a standard cup or a collectable cup.  These drinks are not free tastes.  You must purchase them at the same counter.


The other side of Club Cool is the souvenir area.  If you know someone who is a coke collector, this is a great place to shop for them!  You will find so many options from the magnet or key ring type to the very expensive collector type.  Here you will find t-shirts, radios, and classic bottles.  Yes, for the coke collector Club Cool can be nirvana.


In December 2009 I entered Club Cool for the first time.  First I did the taste test.  There were many good flavors, and one I just wanted to spit out but couldn't.  The nice thing is that if you do get a flavor you really don't like, simply follow it with a flavor you do like to get the taste out of your mouth.  This taste test is actually a lot of fun, and it is an air conditioned building with free drinks if you are hot and thirsty.


I have a cousin that used to collect coke products, and even I dabbled in that a little bit myself.  Seeing all of these products to purchase I went into 'coke' overload!  There was too much to choose from.  In the end I decided on nothing as I would rather spend my money on Disney items rather than coke items.


This is one store I can recommend to all as a place where you truly do get something for nothing.

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