Push – A special experience
We ran into Push at Disney’s California Adventure and stood to watch for about 15 minutes. This was totally hilarious.
Push wanted some of Alex’s Orange Soda. He pretended to share, but would not throw it away. Instead I found him a piece of paper he could feed push. Throughout the show Alex kept getting up to share his drink with Push.
Push is a master, and loves getting hugs from people. Have you ever seen an adult hug a trash can? You have got to see push.
Again, Andy was seen with the video camera. Push came to say hi, and did a few special things for Andy.
What was most hilarious about this is that Andy didn’t realize until the end that he had been standing almost right next to Push’s master the whole time.
When we left I said thanks to the man controlling push.
If you every get occasion to stop and watch Push, make sure you take the time. With the right people this can be totally hilarious.