Some Recommended Hotels/Motels Near Disneyland

This is a list of hotels people recommend near the Disneyland Resort.  These hotels are within walking distance ranging from across the street to a 15 minute walk.  All star ratings come from AAA or  Frequent complaints about the hotels/motels will be listed, as is the internet information for those that need to access the internet from their rooms.  The 3 Disneyland Resort Hotels are not included in this list.




Best Western Park Place Inn 800-854-8177 extension 4

3 stars

They do have hi-speed internet at no charge.

WDTC Good Neighbor hotel



Anabella Hotel or 800-863-4888

3 stars

They do have hi-speed internet for a fee of $9.95 per 24 hour period.

WDTC Good Neighbor hotel



Park Vue Inn or 800-334-7021

2 ½ stars

They have hi-speed internet for a fee of $3.00 per 24 hour period.


Alpine Inn Anaheim or 800-772-4422

2 stars

They have hi-speed internet for a fee of $3.00 per 24 hour period.


Castle Inn and Suites (formerly the Penny Sleeper Inn) or 800-227-8530

2 stars

They do have hi-speed internet in the lobby and you can get a signal in your room, but it does tend to go in and out.  No charge for this service.


Camelot Inn or (714) 635-7275

3 stars

This hotel has no internet access, but should have it by July 2007 for a fee.

WDTC Good Neighbor hotel



Candy Cane Inn or 800- 345-7057

2 stars

They do have hi-speed internet in the rooms at no charge.

WDTC Good Neighbor hotel



Howard Johnsons Anaheim or 800-422-4228

2 ½ stars

They do have hi-speed internet in the rooms at no charge.

WDTC Good Neighbor hotel


Portofino Inn and Suites or 800-398-3963

3 stars (complaints of thin walls and hard beds abound on expedia)

They do have hi-speed internet for a fee of $9.95 per 24 hour period.

WDTC Good Neighbor hotel



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