Redwood Creek Challenge Trail Review

This is an incredible place for children and adults alike to get exercise. While adults do all the walking while at the Disneyland Resort, the young children spend most of their time in a stroller.

Sitting in a stroller all day can make a child tired, and when our son Alex needs to get out and run around, this is on of his favorite places to play. He loves to play in the little stream, and when he was younger, he really loved the short slides in that area. Now that he is bigger, he still likes the stream, but also loves to go inside the nearby cave, put his hand on the imprint and find out what animal he is each time he does that.

The rope bridges and ladders are something he really enjoys climbing to reach the upper levels of the challenge trail. On the upper levels there are larger slides that he now enjoys sliding down. As an adult, I have done these with him several times, but they are better for children. I quickly found out that I am a bit tall for the slides, so have to go down on my back. This can be a painful experience if you don't get your feet down in time at the end of the slide and land flat on your back! Alex will do these slides over and over while there, running up the stairs to get to the slide loading area very quickly.

Once he tires of the slides and the rope climbs, he enjoys the moving bridges that are used to reach other points on the upper level.

I know when he gets a bit older, he will love the climbing wall and tire swings, but for now, he is happy running around and playing in this area.

Redwood Creek is something I definitely recommend for children.

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